To access this part you will have to have a gmail account, but that is easy to set up.
What is contained here is a number of things.
1) Folders for each year of the test containing:
a) Scoring guides used at the Reading
b) Rationales for how the essays were scored
c) Transcribed sample essays. (Much easier for your students to read.)
d) Any other useful items that I got at the Reading.
e) A PDF of the FRQ section, so you won't have to try and track it down at AP Central.
2) Folders containing AP related information and class assignments and related items
There are over a 1,000 items so it may take some time to go through.
What is contained here is a number of things.
1) Folders for each year of the test containing:
a) Scoring guides used at the Reading
b) Rationales for how the essays were scored
c) Transcribed sample essays. (Much easier for your students to read.)
d) Any other useful items that I got at the Reading.
e) A PDF of the FRQ section, so you won't have to try and track it down at AP Central.
2) Folders containing AP related information and class assignments and related items
There are over a 1,000 items so it may take some time to go through.